
Publications > Submissions

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NGO Monitor Submission to Goldstone Follow-up Committee

The NGO campaigns highlighted in this report launched ostensibly to uphold the rule of law and due process, are manufactured as part of a coordinated strategy to internationally isolate Israel and weaken its ability to protect its citizens from asymmetrical war.


NGO Monitors Submission to the Human Rights Council Inquiry on the Gaza War, Led by Judge Richard Goldstone

Mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, Judge Richard Goldstone is conducting an investigation, including a fact-finding mission to Gaza and public hearings, on alleged war crimes violations by Israel during the Gaza War. NGO Monitors submission details NGO abuses of international law including distortions and demonization by PCHR, HRW, Amnesty, and Al Mezan, and lawfare campaigns and urges his commission to carefully examine the credibility and biases in NGO claims. Tendentious NGO reports influenced the inquiries of the Arab League and the UN Secretary General.


NGO Monitors Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Israel December 2008

In anticipation of the United Nations Human Rights Councils Universal Periodic Review of Israel, scheduled for December 2008, NGO Monitor prepared a submission highlighting problematic NGO activity vis--vis human rights in Israel.


NGO Monitor submission to the Winograd Commission

The Winograd Commission (officially "הוועדה לבדיקה ארועי המערכה בלבנון 2006") was appointed by the Israeli government to investigate and draw lessons from the 2006 Second Lebanon War. NGO Monitors submission analyses the reporting of human rights NGOs during the conflict, and discusses these groups exploitation of human rights rhetoric and international law to promote a politicized anti-Israel agenda. Among other recommendations, we suggest that the Committee independently verify all NGO claims before considering them as evidence of human rights violations.


NGO Monitors Submission to the 2009 Durban Conference Preparatory Meeting

As NGO Monitor has reported, the UN will be convening a 2009 follow-up to the 2001 Durban Conference. The Preparatory Committee for the 2009 conference is holding its organizational review session from August 27-31, 2007, in Geneva. The meetings will be chaired by Libya and other members of the committee include Iran, Cuba, Russia, and South Africa. A number of international and Palestinian NGOs are also expected to participate. Many radical Palestinian NGOs such as PNGO and LAW played an active role in the preparatory meetings in Tehran leading up to the 2001 Durban Conference and were largely responsible for shaping the anti-Israel and antisemitic agenda of the NGO Forum at Durban. In advance of the session, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has invited NGOs to contribute reviews and written recommendations. To that end, NGO Monitor has prepared a submission detailing the role of NGOs at the 2001 Durban Conference, the adoption and subsequent promotion of the Durban Strategy in NGO campaigning, and offering recommendations to prevent a repetition of these events in 2009.


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